By :- Buddhi Chaudhary
Appreciating the works and giving a good and possible suggestions
to the starters is one of the greatest and easiest deeds a man can do. Even a
Buddha did it. When a person couldn’t do meritorious deeds, meditation as well
as other ordinary acts properly, he used to suggest him or her with proper
methods. ‘Act well. Don’t act badly. Good brings you happiness. Bad brings you
only suffering. Here. And, hereafter life.’
If a person act well, he would appreciate their works
very much. When, venerable Sariputta would explain the Dhamma properly, he used
to appreciate him expressing his feelings in front of the hundreds of monks.
Even, he had given the names to all monks an accordance with their acts and skills.
If a monk is skillful in preaching, he would name him as a best preacher. If a
good explainer, he would name him as best explainer etc.
Modern people and societies are slightly different to the
ancient teachings that our forefathers taught and showed us. Now a day, we love
to criticize other’s works rather than appreciating or giving possible
suggestions. For instance, when you want to read hundred books within a year,
everybody will laugh at you rather than encourage. They will criticize, until,
you lose the confidence rather than giving easy methods to read book a day. Studies
explain that 90 % out of 100%. We like to criticize others. 10% gives good
suggestions and appreciate other’s works.
It is very important to develop the
qualities of appreciating other’s works or giving possible-suggestions to the
starters. It may be business planner. Hundred books reader. Writer. Runners.
YouTubers. Bloggers. Depends on. There are hidden happiness within these sorts
of acts.
Learn to
appreciate other’s works. Give possible suggestions. Make them a person, they
want to be. That will make them happy as well as, you will be happy mentally.
‘I support him so, he is.’
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