Genuinely, finding the right and effective paths for the good life is as much hard and difficult as climbing the huge mountain because, there are so many Gurus, mentors, masters, teachers, and writers with bunches of ideas teaching us to do this and that. It is hard to justify who is good and whose ideas are best. But, still, we need to figure out because we don’t born with it. We figure it out.
Here, I am trying to show you what the Buddha teaches about right paths fa or the good life.
1. Samma Ditthi
Right understanding or right view the is first path. What the Buddha really meant here is seeing the world the way as it is rather than the way you want it to be. The Buddha said “I teach you to experience the reality but not reality itself, just an as finger pointing at the moon is the moon itself. A man who thinks rationally sees the moon but, the man who just look at his finger sees only his finger but not the moon.
These days and ages, people are very similar to this similes. They believe what they see on the surface. They want to be what they see on a surface of KPOPs, super stars, Nicky Minaj, Eminem and Back Street Boys etc. but they never think and see what really going through their life. Whether, they are the way are on a screens. They are sexy, rich and completely accomplish the way the Media expose them.
Asking question is important. Ask a question yourself. Know the reality. See the world and people the way they are rather than accepting and following them. See them rationally. Walk on the paths they walked upon rather trying to look like them.
2. Samma Sankappa
Right intention is the second path. Second path teaches us to be committed to the certain paths we are walking upon or need to walk. Right understanding teaches the meaning of life and the right intention teaches us to know what you really want in life.
Another words for the right intention is being persistent and passionate about your journey. For instance, before climbing the mountain you have to understand first the lay of the land, pitfalls, the team members and the equipment you need while climbing the mountain. But, just understanding these things is not enough, you need to have persistence, passions and commitment to climb the mountain.
In real life the same. Having degrees and reading bunches of books, doing more researches only is not enough. Knowing the effective ways to apply all those learned thing is important. Otherwise, just like a man who learns Ramayana twelve years but, cannot say who the father of the God Ram is.
3. Sammavaca
Right speech is third paths. What the Buddha is trying to teach us to be thoughtful on our every spoken words. Speaking and communicating thoughtfully can unite others.
Be kind to others.
4. Samma Kammanta
Right action teaches us to understand ethical approach in life, to consider others exampling oneself and the world we live in. It also teaches us not to harm other, steal others things, not to lie, to avoid sexual misconducts, not to take drugs and other intoxicative drinks and also respect our private and social lives like business-commitments.
5. Samma Ajiva
Right livelihood is another important paths that the Buddha had taught us. The Buddha taught us not to deal in harmful drugs and intoxicants, those dealings in weapons and the things which harmful to animals and humans. Being able to do particular works properly, whether it is Buddhist community works, home base work, or the community works.
6. Samma Vayama
Right effort is another very important paths which mean cultivating an enthusiasm, a positive attitude in a balanced way. In order to create the right efforts, there shouldn’t be thoughts of jealousy and anger. It should be well balanced just like strings on a guitar, not much tense and too impatient. If the strings are unbalanced, then the sounds wouldn’t produce sweet and nice.
7. Samma Sati
Right mindfulness. Right mindfulness basically meditative acts which teach us to be aware of the moment and every action you take. “By being aware, we are able to see how old patterns and habits control us. In this awareness, we may see how fears of possible futures limit our present actions.”
Be in a present moment.
8. Samma Samadhi
Right concentration is the last paths among noble eight paths. Right concentration teaches us to be focused on the things we dream, hope and are ambitious about
These noble eightfold paths could be very helpful to every person who is willing to do something or looking for a good life.
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