Monday, 1 January 2018

They taught us life. Feel them as yourself. Love them truly.

Buddhi Chaudhary

2018 is not just think and imagine but do and die year for me. I want to do. I want to do good and earn good. Yesterday, I and my team went to the orphanage around Kapilwastu. We gave foods to the kids who don’t have parents like, we do, blankets, towels and other necessities.

Most importantly, we shared our love with them by talking, laughing and sharing our happiness that we have. They taught us life that we never had experienced in our life time.

Love the kids. Love the kids truly. They will teach you life the way, they taught us. To me.

I love the kids because, I want to give them a better life that I didn't had , when I was a kid.  

They taught us life. Feel them as yourself. Love them truly. 

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