Thursday, 14 September 2017

How to simply be Happy?

                                        Copied from 

Two thousands five hundred fifty five years ago, Buddha was teaching ‘Happiness as the ultimate wealth that a person should be achieved in life’ “Santutthi Paraman Dhanam.” There are no use for collecting thousands or millions of money, gold and gems or store wealth full of houses, when it is not worth a penny to oneself and others. Instead brings unhappiness problems to the mind, life, and relationships. Put into the status of stresses, depressions and anxious. It is worth-full small rotten piece of clothes, hundred dollar and enough rice for the survival, if it is worth to oneself and others. 

I am not going to give boring advises that not to cling to the material things, material objects and other temporary happiness in this twenty first century, where there are full of competitions to be survive among the other rich and smart people and countries. Instead, advice you to go for the long term happiness and joys. What I want to tell is that to focus on simple happiness and joys, while doing big works and jobs too since, all those simple happiness and joys lead you to the big one. 

Bygone days, people were happier than present time. I think. Even though, the modern technologies and sciences had made easier life than ever before, people are more stressful, depressed and anxious in this competitive life, as results.

                                      Copied from Google.

In the past, we used to send man-messengers to inform the matters from one place to another. This days and ages, we have Mobile Phones. Facebook. Line. Watsapp and Viber etc. to acknowledge the matters quickly. The outcome of this technological development is, life being easier than before. We can send the matters to another world within a second. Communicate with each other face to face. Easy Life.

The problems are, we are more stressful. Depressed. Anxious than ever before. Our relationship is not remaining longer. Once a couple promised each other to live and die together, next day morning, could be see the middle finger raised-up. Quarrel with each other. Broken hearts. Etc.

 “How to be Happy?” “What should we do to live happily?” Where should we go to feel good? These are the common questions that all the humanity asking while, living in this very busy and competitive world. 

There are hundreds and thousands of audio books and books have been written concerning the Happiness and way to live happily. Therefore, I am not going to write the same thoughts, they had written. I am not going to explain any religious facts to live happily too but, I will give simple advises that will benefits to have simple and small happiness and joys in life. 

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The first and foremost advices that I will give you is “Put your damn phone down” and go to the reading table, isolated places or in your room and read few hours some books, talk to other human beings whom you like and love so much. Don’t play Facebook, SnpaChat, Twitter, Watsapp and YouTube long times, instead go to talk to your parents, kids, and children. If you live far from them, please, do pick up the phone and call them. Call your parents. Grandparents. Ask their situations. Feelings, whether, they are feeling good. Happy. Joyous etc. or, go outside. Somewhere, places, that you won’t take pictures to post on your social Medias because, the likes. Sharing. Comments in social media really means nothing. It’s mean something but depends on your jobs and works that you are on to because, it is the age of Social Medias.

 I don’t say not to use Social Medias. Facebook. Twitter. Snap chat. YouTube. Too much. You can use it. You can post pictures because, it has some good perspectives as well as bad. It is we should know the facts and use it properly. We should know the things, we are doing on it.

There are times, we lose our happiness, little joyous and relationship because of our own misuses the social medias. In this case, social Medias have nothing to do with it. It is, we must be careful to use it properly. When we use it improperly, then, we will lose happiness and joys that we have achieve in life through good relationship with parents and children, husband and wife and also the relatives.  

Clinging too much in social Medias makes you stressful. Depressed. Anxious. Therefore, limit the using times. Go to read some books. Be with liked and loved one. Talk to parents. Relatives and be adventurous.

These things will always make you happy. Joyful and contented.

Be simple. Be contented. Be positive. 

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