Wednesday 18 May 2016

Marxist Love

Buddhi Chaudhary

I often asked myself, when I see her two eyes whether she loves me truly or she is cheating on me. We meet through social media called Facebook and it’s been two years we love each other. There in our relationship are more demands of needs than romanticism that every couple like and deserve to. She likes to buy every cosmetic goods like creams, make up, skin care, lipstick and scent or perfume etc. When I dismay to buy those goods, she gets upset easily. Sometimes, she talks about motor bikes and another time, she says she want to buy car etc. Job, business and money are her main topics that she likes to talks often. I have tried to be romantic several times. She does not seem to get it. She still thinks that money is the most important things in life. I am so confused whether it is true love or business deals.
“Bob, I feel sleepy” she says “Can I sleep?”
“We did not talk since many days properly”
“We can talk tomorrow” she replied and kisses me “Now, I want to sleep”
I did not understand her behavior and her refusal. She has change a lot. She would not talk with me like other days would. Instead, she would say to me to go to shopping to buy her needs. When I dismayed to go with her to the shopping mall thinking, Money doesn’t come from the tree, she easily gets upset. She would throw her bag on the bed and sleep. Then I would feel sad. I would not feel anything to do. My heart and mind would dismay to go to work. Even though, I would go to the office, I would not feel to work. So I would keep staring at the computer screen. I could hear my colleague would say that I am in deep concentration to my work so should not disturb.
Time passed on. It was been long time we did not much have physically and mentally admirable relationship. We would live under one roof as two strange people. We would cook foods inside one kitchen and upon same stove but would eat two different places. She would eat inside the room and I would at kitchen. When I would ask her Mango Jam but she would give cheese. “Oh man, what’s wrong with you?” I would say angrily. “Nothing wrong with me”, she would answered and walk away. Thus we would quarrel even on small matters. We behaved and hated each other like cobra and python or viper.
Because of our Marxist love, I had forgotten everything. Even my birthday because of stresses, depresses and anxious of family life had overpowered upon me.
One fine day, it was June eight, when I came back to home from the office. The house was full of people and candle has been lighted every corner of the guest room. Slowly and reluctantly, I step inside the house. My girlfriend was not there to see. I look around among the people to search for her and find the reason out of this unexpected party. But she was not there. Anxiety arose within me but no one seems to pay attention to me.
“Bob” she said coming from somewhere “Happy Birth Day” She was standing behind me cake on her hand. She put the cake on the table and cut it. While I was looking at her astonishingly, is it a dream, she ice cake inside my mouth. “Thank you” I said and she gave me a quick kiss. I look around and saw my parents and parents in laws standing behind her. My father was shipping wine. They were looking so happy. They were smiling.
“Bob, I have a gift for you” my girlfriend said and put it on my hand. Gift was small parcel. Slowly I unwrapped the parcel. It was a book. I turned around and said surprisingly “Marxist Love and your book.” My girlfriend kisses me and insisted to read introduction of the book. When, I started to read my two eyes began to grow big. The more, I would read the bigger my eyes grow. Tear drops fall down unknowingly. “Why didn’t you say me?” I asked her hugging tightly.
“How I can say that I am suffering from cancer to the man who put me upon the Goddess Status?” she said half smiling and half crying “I know Bob, you loved me so much. You cared me so much.”
“What about the Marxism between use those few months?” I asked her
“I wanted to make you feel this all” she said childishly “few days later, will be my last breathe and that would be the memories for you which I leave.
I hugged her tightly and kiss her……………………………..

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