Wednesday 18 May 2016

Beauty of Buddha statues in Mes Anyak Temple

Buddhi Chaudhary 

Brief History of Mes Anyak Temple
Mes Aynak (is a site 40 km (25 mi) southeast of Kabul, Afghanistan, located in a barren region of Logar Province. The site contains Afghanistan's largest copper deposit, as well as the remains of an ancient settlement with over 400 Buddha statues, stupas and a 40 ha (100 acres) monastery complex. It is also considered a major transit route for insurgents coming from Pakistan. Archaeologists are only beginning to find remnants of an older 5,000-year-old Bronze Age site beneath the Buddhist level, including an ancient copper smelter.

Mes Anyak consist vast amounts of Buddhist monasteries, homes and market areas. The site contains artifacts from the bronze ages and some of recovered artifacts dated back more than three thousands year ago. The site's orientation on the Silk Road has yielded a mixture of elements from Iran, China and India. According to geological resources, Mes Anyaka residents were spent their live prosperously. India, China and Iran were their main importer. 

Definition of Aesthetics  
According to the philosophical dimensional evidences, Aesthetics may be defines narrowly as the theory of beauty or more broadly as that together with the philosophy of arts. The traditional interest in beauty or aesthetical philosophy itself was broadened in the eighteen century. In 1950 number of pure aesthetics philosophy was discussed through the expanded literature which developed the concepts even more.
Whenever we look towards its history, traditionally aesthetics or the philosophy of art concentrated on its definition, but, recently, this has not been focus on its definition individually. They define it with careful analysis of aspects of art largely. So, philosophy of arts here considers the later-day-development concepts.  
Though the facts, they are, the full field of what might be called “Aesthetics’ is very large topics to be discussed. There are even now four volumes of encyclopedia that discuss these topics. But the core issues regarding had been settled. During the eighteen century most of philosophers regarded or defined it as “The pleasure of the imagination” which was written by the journalist Joseph Addison in the early issues magazine The September in 17712
During the same century, the most thoroughgoing and influential was given by the Philosopher Immanuel Kant. Therefore it is important, first of all, to have some sense how Kant defined the term Aesthetics.
According to the resources evidences, Kant was a formalist in art theory. Certainly he was a formalist about the pure enjoyment of nature but for Kant most of the arts were impure because they involved with “Concepts.” Even the enjoyment parts of nature was impure namely when a concept was involved- as when we admire the perfection of animal body or a human corso. It is because morality requires we rise above ourselves that such an exercise in selfless attention becomes obligatory. Judgments of pure beauty, being selfless, initiate one into the moral point of view. “Beauty is a symbol of morality” and “The enjoyment of nature is the mark of a good soul” are key sayings of a Kant. The shared enjoyment of a sunset or a beach shows there is harmony between is all and the world.
Whenever, we concern to the Platonic Philosophy, Phaedrus- Plato admires mania of arts, crafts and poets, though has different views. Using the word “Lon”, he says arts and crafts and poetry is beautiful and true but, if artists and poets have rhapsodies, irrational and lack of knowledge have no rational controls while beautifying arts and poems. He says the arts and crafts and poems which is “Enthousiasmos, operate under inspiration” the most beautiful poems.
In contrast, Aristotle gives different definitions to Plato. He says “Poetry may imitate men as they are or better and worse. Poetry gives us idealized visions of reality. He takes up the cudgels on behalf of poetry and effectively brings out its superiority. For him, Aesthetics or beauty is here in this world. In that sense, he is much and more realistic in aesthetics philosophies.
According to the Oxford dictionary, Aesthetics is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and appreciation of art, beauty and good taste. It has also been defined as "critical reflection on art, culture and nature". The word "aesthetics" derives from the Greek "aisthetikos", meaning "of sense perception".
Merriam Dictionary gives quite same definitions. It says “relating to the philosophy of aesthetics; concerned with notions such as the beautiful and the ugly. 2. Relating to the science of aesthetics; concerned with the study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty. 3. Having a sense of the beautiful; characterized by a love of beauty.”
  Whatever the facts are, Aesthetics, or the philosophy of art, is the study of beauty and taste. It is about interpreting works of art and art movements or theories.
There are many different ways to be shown aesthetical definitions. They are
1.     Idealism
2.     Realism
3.     Subjectivism
4.     Objectivism
5.     Materialism and
6.     Absolutism etc.
It would be better to know the definition, interpretation and meaning of the word “Idealism” first to have better aesthetical views towards the Buddha statues at Mes Anyak temple in Afganistan. In philosophy, idealism is the group of philosophies which assert that reality, or reality as we can know it, is fundamentally mental, mentally constructed, or otherwise immaterial. Idealism could be related with several meanings. It comes via idea from the Greek idein (ἰδεῖν), meaning "to see". According to Woodrow Wilson’s political idealism, it generally suggests that priority of ideals, principles, values, and goals over concrete realities. Idealists are understood to represent the world as it might or should be, unlike pragmatists, who focus on the world as it presently is. In the arts, similarly, idealism affirms imagination and attempts to realize a mental conception of beauty, a standard of perfection, juxtaposed to aesthetic naturalism and realism
According to Buddhist views of points, there are two ways of looking arts and beauty called internal and external. Internal is more related to idealism. Since both of them affirms imagination and attempts to realize a mental conception of beauty. Both of them would say, beauty exists within mind but not in materials, Buddha images. For instance, idealists will concern the beauty of Buddha statues of Mes Anyak temple the form, it have but not what their mind perceives beauty as it is.
Idealists will concern or view the concepts as real. Thus 'Buddha statues in Mes Anyak temple' is to be seen to have a reality beyond being just an idea.
Realism in the arts is the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality and avoiding artistic conventions, implausible, exotic and supernatural elements.
Realists will concern beauty of the Buddha statues in Mes Anyka temple as it is truthfully, without any illusionary looks, avoiding artistic conventions. They will concern more the moral qualities it has than artistic conventions of the images.
Contrast to the Realism, Subjectivists will discuss or say that the knowledge, truths and goods of the Buddha statues in Mes Anyak temple is just a works that are not true because Aesthetic subjectivism is a judgment not affected by standards or norms through which art or beauty is typically judged. “I know what I like” is the battle cry for aesthetic subjectivism.  This category can include beauty, art and virtually anything else on earth, and is the broadest aesthetic classification.  No one must justify their singular appreciation of beauty to anyone, and there is no compulsion to define it within a larger context.  This broad appreciation of art and beauty simultaneously allows for both the most and fewest philosophical arguments, but also offers room for everyone to be an expert in their own mind.  I do not fault anyone for appreciating art in a subjective way.  Relying only minimally on shared meaning and perceptions, however, I do find fault with an artist using aesthetic subjectivism to call anything he or she wishes art.    

According to the German Philosopher Benedetto Croce “Art is a true aesthetic synthesis, "a priori" of feeling and image in the intuition, as to which it may be repeated that feeling without image is blind, and image without feeling is void” which is similar to subjectivism.

Though, I get not much sense, when I see the Buddha statues in Mes anyak temple but I do appreciate it subjectively. Personally, I believe that beauty in the statues exist as it is or it is beautiful because of its moral appearance like love, compassion, commiserations and loving kindness.  

Though, personally, I dismay to agree with this concept called relativism but I would like to discuss in brief, what relativism really means.  Aesthetic relativism is a judgment of beauty relative to individuals, cultures, a particular time period or context.  It allows for changing sensibilities and norms.  We are allowed to appreciate art without applying a uniform or modern-day standard, recognizing it as a product of its times and culture.  
For example, the Buddha statues in Mes Anyak temple from 600 B.C. of a youth would be considered primitive by contemporary standards, but it is appreciated as art when placed in the context of its time period. 
Concerning through Relativistic views on the beauty of the Buddha statues in Mes Anyak temple, Relativism permits us to appreciate crude compositions of the Buddha images-understanding that its appreciation does not diminish by the other works. It’s seemed like looking the images quite logically “standards” and can be applied to art as well as the more generic category of beauty.
What it has?
Being or agreeing to the subjectivism, whenever I saw the Buddha statues in Mes Anyak temple in southern parts of Kabul in Afghanistan, questions arose upon me, what it has (concepts, moral qualities, characters) than the questions how ( it was composed) or where does the form exists. I tried to look what the Buddha statues of the temple define than looking its beauty. I concerned more internally than finding the external answers.
For example; my colleague who is much more idealistic defined the statues the beauty what his mind perceives it as beauty but not externally that the image has. Contrast to my colleague, I concerned much more towards the qualities that images have. I concerned more about the moral values of the image. Whenever, we deeply concern the images, it consist wisdom prospects, loving-kindness, compassion –commiserations and softness. As the Buddha says “Mamsani Tassa Vaddhati Panna Tassana Vaddhati, though the body growth, wisdom not.” Thus as, we can’t judges anything what we see from outside individually but internally should be looked too. What it has, question is much and more match, whenever we concern the beauty of the Buddha statues in Mes Anyak temple in south of Kabul in Afghanistan.

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