Saturday 2 January 2016

Mother you worth more than anything else to me

By: Buddhi Chaudhary

“Mother, I have to pay class fees. This coming Monday is the last day” said Alex to his mother, who was sitting on the floor and looking her son studying, my son would be a best person someday. “I think I should quit the study and work to find money, since we have lots of cumbersome, cumbrous, inconvenient or unhandy” he took a long and deep breath and started to read again.

“My son, do you think, we don’t have money?” she asked anxiously. Alex looked at his mother face. Her eyes were wide opened. On her two eye lids tears have been appeared. She was going to cry.

“Do you want me to suffer even more?” breaking the silence; she asked again “what you can do with this little education?” she began to cry. While sopping, she continued emotionally “my son, the world is very big and competitive. You can’t do anything”

“Then what I should do my beloved mother” he asked to his mother crying “we don’t have enough money to survive our self, how you are going to teach us (Alex and his sister).”

“Thou worry not my dear son” she said touching his soldier with her two hands “mother has money to teach you all” she kissed on his forehead and said “your mother want to see you are an educated person, sitting on the chair with black coat and black tie”

She went out of the room towards the vegetables fields and started to pluck garlic off. Alex wiped his eyes with his hand and shut his book off. He took his bicycle and rode away. When he came back to home, his sister told him that mother has gone to the grandfather’s house. Handing the money on Alex’s hand, they said mother has sent this money for class fees too. He took the money on his hand but he could not understand where the money came from. He sat on the chair thoughtfully.

Next day, he paid class fees and as usual began to going school. He studied hard and passed the exam with first honor degree. He got a job as a lecturer on his own university. Due to his hard work and passion in his job, he succeeded in his career much status. He began to write books. He composed poems, short stories and novels as well as academic articles etc.

One sad day, he heard through his sisters that mother is in hospital. He took the bicycle and rode as fast as could and approached the hospital. When he reached the hospital, his mother has stopped breathing. He could not bear with this unexpected death of his mother. He cried and cried like little child holding his mother’s hand. Doctors and nurses felt sad too.

After one month of mother’s funeral, when he is planting as his mother used to plant vegetables, the doctor came and gave the report to Alex of his mother’s unexpected death. He read carefully whole the report and realized where the money came from for the class fees. She has sold her kidney to get money for her children’s class fees. He burst into tears and said “Mother you worth more than anything else to me” because he could do nothing.

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