Thursday 14 January 2016

According to Buddhism six steps to be unsuccessful in LIFE

By: Buddhi Chaudhary

According to the Oxford dictionary, achievement of an action in the period of specific time or within a specific period is called successful. Successes also can be called completing an object and meaning of goals that we have decided to do and to be full-filled in the specific times.

If I were to ask you, “Do you want to be succeeded in life?” what would be your response? Most of people would: I want to successful in life, I want more things in life, I deserve it and I am working for it.  These all are the common answers of my question would be. Because most of the people on this planet feel that being a success is a good thing. When they think of success they usually think of material benefits, happiness, and accomplishment. Certainly, success can include all of these things and more.

Everybody likes to be succeeded in life but not everybody is getting what they want, what they desire to have because they are not following the rules and regulations of successfulness. Here in this advice paper, I am going to discuss how Buddha talks reasons of successfulness and unsuccessfulness of the all human beings. Those facts are six evil consequences in being addicted to idleness: and that lead to the laziness and drowsiness.

(1) Atisitamti Kammam Na Karoti (that it is extremely cold)

“Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” ~Benjamin Disraeli

Although laziness and drowsiness is common to and natural parts of life, it has potential to completely consume us. The clod whether is another cause to lazy person to be successful.

I personally have times where cold weather causes me to feel trapped. No matter, how much I determined to wake up early morning and do the things I have to plan last night (study), I cannot seem to shake it off. I feel tired. I feel lazy to wake up. “Oh, it is cold outside; I should sleep five minutes, ten minutes and then a one hour. Time passes by but I unable to wake up.

According to the Buddhism, this is one cause to be not successful in life. Whatever things, we have to do and complete should be done on right time, right place and righteously. If we think that it is cold and I should sleep little more and then I will do it. If this evil consequence arises within our mind, we cannot do the things we have to do on time or living in this way, he leaves many duties undone, new wealth he does not get, and wealth he has acquired dwindles away.
  2. Ati Unhanti Kammam Nakaroti (that it is extremely hot)

Sometimes, the weather outside of the house is so hot. We feel lazy to go out and do the things we have to be done. Then the evil consequences arise “Oh, it is still hot outside. It will be cool an hour after. I should wait until the weather became cool and do the things have to be done”

There are times, I personally feel this consequences. Thailand is hot reign country and in the day time, I face to this consequence. I think now is hot; I should get a little nap and then study etc. Due to the little nap in the day time, I cannot do the things what I have to done.

According to the Buddhism, this evil consequence is another cause for the unsuccessfulness in life. We should be disregarded the timely weather and do the things have to be done first.

3.    Atisaayanti Kammam Nakaroti (that it is too late in the evening)

“It is too late in the evening. It is dark now. I cannot see the road. There would be many poisonous creatures on the road and they will bite me etc” these are evil consequence when we feel lazy to do the things we have to be done. If so facto this consequences, we fail to be succeeded in LIFE.

4.    Atipatiti Kammam Nakaroti (that it is too early in the morning)

While, cooking or making breakfast for her son the mother cry to her saying get up “Alex, it is too late. Get up quickly and get ready to go to school.” Alex looked the watch reluctantly like snail’s movement and think, it is too early. I should get little bit more sleep. After five minutes, I will wake up and get ready to go to school. These evil consequences lead him to be ten, fifteen, twenty, and forty and then an hour but he could not wake on time and go to school. At the end, he misses his school and education remains undone due to this evil consequence that came to be existed within his mind every day.

According to the Buddhism, works should be done on the time despite the problems, situations, places and people. If we don’t do it on time, then it’s remain as it is because, who knows what’s next because life is stable. Life is like a broken branch of the tree which is struggling to fall down on the ground. So, whatever, we have to do should be done today, now and in this very moment, who knows what is going to happen tomorrow because life is stable.

If so facto, whatever things we have to should be done on the right time otherwise, it will remain undone and we will face to failure.

5.    Atichatoti Kammam Nakaroti (that he is extremely hungry)

Even though the Buddha mentioned that the hunger is one of the most, formidable, dreadful, eerie, awful and extreme disease that all the living beings face to. Once the Buddha gave the foods to the Brahmin who was suffering with hunger and then taught the doctrine mentioning that the hunger is the extreme disease than any disease in the world.

“I should eat now” If the evil consequence arise upon someone “after eating something, I will finish it. I cannot do any work until I eat something because has no energy in my body. I can do eat when I eat something or I will do eat after eating something because, there are still many times has remained.” Then it is hard to carry out the work has to be done and it’s stand as barricade and blockade for the future journey ahead and we face to failure.  

6.    Atidhatoti Kammam Karoti (that he is too full)

And there are another people, who dismay to work when laziness or drowsiness arises upon them saying “just few minutes ago, I ate and now I am full. I cannot work now. I cannot bend my body to take or carry out something. I cannot work properly. I am full now, I will do it little later.” These sorts of evil thoughts and consequences leads towards none other than unsuccessfulness.

Whatever consequences arise, we should kept going on and complete the things we have to do with enthusiastic determinations then the giant within you will awake automatically.

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