Tuesday 10 May 2016

Rare is Human LIFE to get


Rare is the LIFE to get
         By: Buddhi Chaudhary 

How many times, you would have been born in this world? Which number would be you’re this birth? Have you ever thought about it? Have you ever imagined about it?

Many people think that everything finished with the ends of life but others wish much and more impermanent life. There are some people who often wish to be born again and again as human beings and walk in these endless circles of life. Though there are such expectations among the human beings, can we fulfill all those wishes? Is it possible to achieve all those ambitions that we are dreaming to be? Is it possible to be born again as human beings as we all wish to? There are some other people who even afraid to Nirvana the ultimate happiness because they scared to lost all those contemporary happiness.

What do they have realized about the journey of this impermanent world, who is peregrinating in the endless circles of life? Many people accept these endless circles of life and this impermanent world as a permanent, long lasting blind fatedly or blatantly. They have wrong understanding all about it. Because of this, they are walking from dark to the much and more darkness of life.

If-so-facto, what really nature of these endless circles of life is? Does it really beautiful as it’s exist in human mind, thoughts, feeling and perceptions? Answers for all those above questions, should be realized through the doctrines that were explored by the Buddha, an enlightened one during, his forty five years of time.

“Oh, endearing, captivating, delightful and dearest monks and devotees, there are very few people who are wise, intelligent and savant, who communicate intellectually, quick-wittedly and rationally and understands or recognize a eloquent, good-words and right speeches that was Buddha used to be spoken to his followers and differentiate heresies bad speeches (Lying, divisive and abusive speeches). But, there are thousands of people who are unwise, crass, cuckoo and dopey, speak useless, bad and wrong-speeches. They can’t recognize what are eloquent speeches that the Buddha used to speak with his followers and heresies words that often bring harms and benefit less.”

Oh, venerable sir, what are the causes of the existences of all living beings? Why some of them born as a human being and others born in an animal states? Some of them spend good and happy life, while others suffer their whole life? There are many controversies concerning the existences of beings. Oh sir, can you explain the distinctive existences of beings through the doctrine?

“Oh, delightful monks and devotees, in Jambudipa (India), there are very few charming monasteries and gardens, charming forests, charming terrestrial land, charming water ponds. But there are full of, in Jambudipa (India), slant, declivitous or steeply lands, deep-greenly rivers, the area where is difficult to approach or inaccessible areas, channel or flutes, thorny places and disparate and staggered mountains. Thus as, oh, dearest monks and devotees, there are very few beings get birth on the earth. Rest of them gets birth in the water.”

“Thus as, oh, dearest monks and devotees, there are very few people who get birth among the human beings.  And all the other beings had born among the animals.”

These are the words spoken by the Buddha concerning the existences or circle of rebirth of all living beings. Through the above mentioned statements, it is very clear that getting human life is very rare and difficult tasks.

If all those above mentioned statements are valid. Can be accepted, then what about the stories that we often hear from the theological religions called reincarnations? Are there also validities among those religious statement concerning the rebirth and reincarnations?

Buddhism refuses the story of reincarnations. Instead, the Buddha talks about the story of rebirth that causes to happen our personal deed’s final judgment whether it is wholesome and unwholesome that lead to justify our next birth. Because of the story of reincarnations, many people believe that life exist forever. We are immortal beings. We never die. According to Buddhism, such a statement or concepts are invalid and falsifiable, illusion and myths individually which lead to the all living beings from the bad to the worse life.

Whenever, we ask to the person who talks about his past existences, there is something very clear to be seen that he or she get birth because of their attenuate or deficient death in their past life. These people passed away due to unexpected accidents and adversities or calamities but not after having hundred-life-spam and facing to the natural death.
It is plausible or apparent that, because of our past good deeds, though death occurs due to unexpected accidents and adversities or calamites, could be reborn again as human beings because of the past life’s good luck (Buddhism; merits). Because of his past committed good merits make him to have a good life and can explore the past existence.
In this days and ages, such stories have been populated all over the world and people have perceived and misunderstood the facts that, we human beings reincarnate again as a same person and could be explore or talk our past existences. So, they are trying to cling to the concept of reincarnation that we see in other theological religions. Maybe, because, people believe that whatever we do in this life all those happiness, belongings and appearances, directly, will go to the next life. So why worry? Why sadness. Do eat good, delicious foods, drinks and wear expensive clothes, go to travel, go to clubbing and enjoy the life.  

There are some wise, intelligent people try to argue and expostulate that it is not easy to get birth as same person as much as other clodhoppers, blunder-headed and coots think about the existence and circle of getting and death. They try to justify that it is very rare to get human birth.

Well. It is true that the world is filled with billions of people. But, let’s just think about it little bit more deeply. Imagine a small but beautiful or colorful house with full of decorations. Now think the members of the family are grandfather and grandmother, husband and wife, son and daughter about six persons and at the same house quantities of animal would be much and more than human. The terrestrial animal beings like ichneumon, attercop or creepy crawly, mosquito, snakes, ants, rats and cockroach as well as butterflies, vivid sorts of birds etc uncountable beings live around the same house, don’t it? That is the reason why, the Buddha often emphasize that getting human birth is rare than animal’s lives.

The Buddha says, “Oh, dearest monks and devotees, if there are any beings that have ardent, foremost and expensive foods and extremely tasteful foods, those beings are very few. But, there are thousands of beings who even have not enough foods to eat. They are dying with starvations.”

There are other groups of people, who often argue that, if it is hard and rare to get human life then why the world is developing with over populations………….?

Since, we have census human implicated populations, and then it is better to talk little bit about fast accrescence of human populations. While counting the census of the whole beings populations, do we count the census of animal being as well? Did anyone concern the fluctuations of animal beings like ants, cockroach, snakes, ichneumon, attercop or creepy crawly and mosquito while creating the census of populations?

“Oh, dearest monks and devotees, there are very few people who could be get birth as human again after his death. Instead, after the death, majority of the people get birth in the hell, some of them get birth as an animal beings and others as a departed one or goblin beings.”
For instance, imagine that someone got birth in an animal realm. Does that animal being could get birth as human being easily?

Probably not, and this is what many people do not understand. Once a being get fallen down in four blazes or evil states, it’s born again and again within those four blazes or evil states. That is the reason why, often the Buddha said that four kinds of blazes and evil states are scary and abhor-able.

Let’s look towards the Buddha-words (Buddha Vacana):

“Oh, dearest monks and devotees, it is very hard to be seen the animal beings get birth in the human realms. But, there are thousands of human beings who get birth in the realms of animals, realms goblin and the realm of Hades easily.”
There are thousands of people who rarely understand the Dhamma. Why?
It is accustomed nature that very few people could understand the Dhamma that hold by the wise. The Buddha says;

   “Oh, endearing, captivating, delightful and dearest monks and devotees, there are very few people who are wise, intelligent and savant, who communicate intellectually, quick-wittedly and rationally and understands or recognize a eloquent, good-words and right speeches that was Buddha used to be spoken to his followers and differentiate heresies bad speeches (Lying, divisive and abusive speeches). But, there are thousands of people who are unwise, crass, cuckoo and dopey, speak useless, bad and wrong-speeches. They can’t recognize what are eloquent speeches that the Buddha used to speak with his followers and heresies words that often bring harms and benefit less.”

“Thus as, oh, dearest monks and devotees, there are very few people having heard the Buddha’s words, keep in mind or remember it, investigate deeply the definitions and apply practically for the day to day life”

Many religious leaders think that death is the end of everything:  

It is big errant. There are thousands of ancestral or hereditary Buddhists who think that the end of this life is end of everything, so, no matter what next, just do enjoy eating, sleeping and having sex blatantly. They are challenging comprehension, perceptions and convictions of the Buddha. Though the facts are, Buddha developed the knowledge of seeing the past life of the beings (Pubbenivasanussati Ngyana) and the life after death, where the beings will get birth and what (Cutupapaata Ngyana).

That is the reason why, Buddha often mentioned the circles birth or existences of all living beings is extremely scary. Rare it is to get human life, the Buddha saw. That is the reason why the Buddha said that “Handadani Bhikkhave Amantayami va Vaya Dhamma Sankhara Appamadena Sampadetha,” all conditioned things are impermanent, “Yam Niccam Tam Dukkham,” all impermanent things are suffering, so strive diligently and achieve the ultimate goal or Nibbana.


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